AI Coach

Become a top performing seller

Demodesk is your personal, AI-based sales coach who is always at your side. Improve your sales skills with every call and get specific tips from the world's best sales coaches.

Sales Agent

“I love that Demodesk tells me how to improve my sales skills. I get better with every call.”

Sales Agent


“It’s a lot of fun to see my performance increasing week by week.”


Account Executive

“Demodesk is our secret weapon. Everyone in my team saw their performance increasing consistently.”

Team Lead Sales

Omnichannel experience

Get personalized sales coaching for every call

  • Demodesk provides instant, personalized, and actionable feedback on every sales call
  • There is no setup required – we leverage best-in-class AI combined with insights from >1 million sales calls and frameworks from leading sales coaches

Understand how to improve your sales skills

  • By assessing soft skills, engagement metrics and sales tactics, Demodesk provides actionable recommendations for you.
  • Everyone has their own behaviors. We take your individual selling style into account and provide data-driven insights.
Collaborative virtual screen
Sales processes

See your performance improving every week

  • Track the metrics that drive performance, watch your overall progress and see your performance improving every week
  • Compare yourself with peers, make selling a team sport and see where you can improve to outperform

Why Demodesk?

no process change

No process change

Demodesk processes calls without requiring any setup. You connect your calendar with Demodesk, everything else happens in the background.

More revenue

Set up in 10 seconds

Sign up in 10 seconds using your Google or Microsoft login. The Demodesk Notetaker automatically joins your meetings and does the magic.

New Customers

Designed by the best in sales

We’ve analyzed >1 million sales calls and worked with the best sales coaches on the planet to develop our Ai models.

Better service

GDPR compliant

Demodesk is made and hosted in secure data centers. Fully compliant with GDPR and all other data privacy and compliance regulations.

Process control

Works across platforms

Demodesk natively integrates into all major calendar, CRM, meeting, engagement and dialing systems, and offers a flexible API integration.

More insights

Secure & Private

Demodesk prioritizes security. We encrypt recordings, both at rest and in transit, along with authorization, log monitoring and comprehensive security protocols.

Demodesk seamlessly works with your existing stack

Demodesk integrationsDemodesk integrations

Become the best version of yourself

Demodesk star


Demodesk star


Demodesk Coaching & AI


Record, transcribe, translate & analyze all meetings, and coach teams at scale using cutting edge AI - works with your favorite conferencing or dialing software.

Learn more